Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The “Healing Hearts” project

Tomorrow is a special event – the dedication of the ground floor, renovated main building, of the Asoka Institute at EIAB (European Institute of Applied Buddhism). There is also the opening of the “Healing Hearts” exhibit, an artistic installtion of the 700 hearts in key locations of the impressive ground floor.

The building was built in 1897 as a psychiatric hospital. Under the Nazi regime it was remodeled to serve as a hotel, but instead it was used as a military hospital during the war. After the war it became a general hospital and then the German military managed it until 2006. Inside are huge floor-to-ceiling mosaics of Aryan-type figures working!

I’m guessing in the 30’s sometime, the Nazi party moved all the patients who were housed in this building, a former hospital for the mentally handicapped. Many of these patients were spared the first wave of the “euthanasia” program by hospital staff who intentionally delayed the process of selecting which patients would be killed. Of the 700 patients, 320 who could work were allowed to stay in nearby Hausen, and the majority of them survived both euthanasia and the hardships of war. But the rest who could not work were sent to other institutions where most of them were murdered by intentional starvation, hypothermia or poisoning.

EIAB invited individuals in the local community of Waldbrol as well as practitioners near and far to each make a heart in memory of one of the patients. Making a heart became a way to honor and remember their own relatives with great suffering or with a mental illness, even if they were not house in this hospital. Groups of children who came on retreats made them, sanghas took up the sewing of hearts as a mindfulness practice, a meditation together, an act of engaged Buddhism. “In the light of interbeing each heart reminds us that we must also remember and pray for all those who perpetrated the euthanasia, starvation and poisoning of mentally handicapped people. We know that somehow they are also victims of the ignorance, hatred, discrimination and violence in them and around them.” – from the EIAB August Newsletter.

It’s a pretty impressive display of hearts! I’m sure it will be a moving ceremony. Many of the citizens here in Waldbrol, I heard, were initially reluctant to even come here, and were grateful for the community of Plum Village for purchasing this hospital. When Doug showed me around, he said the building was cheaply purchased. But the building requirements are expensive! The glass wall/doors dividing this long hallway must withstand fire for 90 minutes, rather than the usual 60 minute requirement, for the building code! They each cost $800,000!!!

When they began renovating under the entrance way, they found large stone column pieces already carved, originally intended to create a plaza for gatherings of the Nazi Party. These columns will be used to create a large Stupa of Inclusiveness between the two buildings, dedicated to Thay’s life of teaching and peace work. Its overall shape is in the form of joined palms representing a respectful bow that accompanies the Buddhist greeting, A lotus for you, A Buddha to be. 

My working meditation today, and about 12 other people in my dharma group, was to wet mop and clean this HUGE long hallway, preparing for the dedication ceremony tomorrow. I was supposed to do it SLOWLY, MINDFULLY!! Hard for me! That’s not the speed in which I operate!! I worked up a huge sweat and rushed to shower before my 4:30 dharma group discussion! I don’t fit in real well here!! J

Hence, I’m typing here tonight, rather than attending the 5 Mindfulness Practice explanation. I’ll try to sneak down to the computer room to upload this. Guten Abend!

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