Sunday, June 30, 2013


I felt so badly to get a call late afternoon Thursday from Aunt Dawn (Uncle Ed’s widow) whom I had arranged to meet up with on Friday when Rod and I headed north. I was supposed to call her to set up a time, before she left for her evening meeting and I forgot!! The tour around Racine was so fascinating and then all the company, etc. No excuse! My memory is going!!

Anyway, Rod and I went to her home in Menominee Falls, WI just past Milwaukee around 10:30, after saying thanks and goodbye to Larry for a lovely visit. She looks AMAZING for 77, or any age for that matter! Just as I remember her, slim and beautiful and warm and charming! We saw pictures and got the cousins straight, who were younger than the Mitchell cousins from Stevens Point whom I saw more frequently growing up. We were going to meet the oldest, Terry and his wife Marsha, then Kenny and his wife Mary, and Bob who was taking off work to meet us – all meeting up at Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. Their brother David lives across the state with his family and Wendy the youngest lives now in Florida with her 2 kids who are 18 and 19, and her 2 newly adopted 2 and 4 year old brother and sister. She had been acting as a foster parent to them in Colorado as parents had drug problems and a grandmother was raising the older boy. But when the girl came along, she balked at raising 2 and Wendy took them. Now, I guess, she’s formally adopted them. She must have a HUGE heart!! I’ve seen her on Facebook but didn’t know the story. I’d heard also from Terry recently as he is working on geneology of the Sommer’s, Mitchell’s, Rices’s etc. and had asked for information to complete it.

We had a wonderful time at lunch – they wanted to know where all the Rices were living and about their families so between Rod and I we caught them up. Terry and Rod talked a lot of union stuff as Terry had worked for 31 years at one plant and been laid off. They’d both been Union presidents so had a lot in common. The other two cousins work in accounting/finance like Uncle Ed had done. Dawn told us before lunch how she had moved with her sister and a friend (from Ontonogan) to Chicago to work and been introduced to Ed and married in 1957, I think she said. I remember going to Uncle Ted (his twin) and Grace’s wedding when I was young – first wedding I ever attended – but not theirs. She said they had a very small wedding in WI so not a lot of family attended. I just remember Uncle Ed was SOOO handsome and charming and always, it seemed, especially kind and attentive to me. He died in his 60s of bone cancer and Uncle Ted shortly after of esophageal cancer. I saw Ted in later years and attended his funeral. I thought that had been the last time I might have seen Aunt Dawn but she said she had been there when he was ill but had an already scheduled trip when he died so she WASN’t there. So it’s been maybe 30 years since I’d seen her.

We had a laugh as I had always told the story of Bud and I moving into our first house in Glen Ellyn, IL, to a neighborhood where everyone took care of their lawns on the weekend. We were waterskiers with that big blue boat in the driveway and paid little attention to our lawn. Until we felt so guilty – I once went out and just threw down some fertilizer and grass seed – it came up in stripes! A neighbor offered his spreader after that!! And we didn’t even have a lawn mower. I have a memory of stopping at Ed and Dawn’s and them giving us that green riding tractor that we had for years. She said they NEVER had a riding tractor – the boys used to complain about having to mow the lawn walking!! So some time I’ll have to find out where I got the story wrong!! Guess my memory is going!! J

After taking some photos in the parking lot, Rod and I headed north and cut off to go through Van Dyne, by Rod’s old house, and up through Oshkosh (the folk’s house on the Lake Winnebago is up for sale again!). Oshkosh still looks a bit run down – Oshkosh Truck has laid off a bunch of workers, with the wars winding down, and it affects the economony of lots of other businesses. We did a bit of shopping at Copp’s when we got to Neenah and got to Rod’s apartment to unload and relax. I took a little walk down to the nearby park just as the storm clouds were moving in. I did talk to Kelly on the phone who is tied up on Saturday with a family wedding in Appleton so maybe will see her on Sunday a.m. if they haven’t been out too late. We will meet up with Paul (my nephew) and meet his wife Stephanie and maybe her 2 boys, and see their new home on Sunday afternoon. Otherwise, I’m narrowing down our stops for our trip next week and making some reservations, leaving flexibility as we head out west.

We will pick up the rental car Monday at 8, then pack it and head off for Stevens Point, to see the other Mitchell family on our way to pick up Betty in St. Paul. Then we’re off!! 5000+ miles in July!!

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