Sunday, February 24, 2019


After a late night partying on a Saturday night in Manta with Justin and Angie, we all slept in!!! Angie made a delicious breakfast of avocado toast topped with crispy bacon and sliced boiled eggs. Delicious!! We just spent a relaxing morning breakfasting out on their deck overlooking the pool and ocean. Even though it was raining, the view was great! We then took a walk down the ramp from the pool to the beach volleyball court.

Coconut water right out of the coconut!

Families out near a beach on a Sunday!
Later we went for a drive down the coast to a thatched roofed restaurant to sample an array of Ecuadoran food - from cerviche (LOVED it!), octopus and calamara, fried plantains substituting for fried potatoes eaten with ketchup, and an assortment of other rice dishes.

We then drove to Marianita Beach where lots of people were in the water even though there was some rain and lots of clouds! This is where you frequently see kite-surfers but none today. Justin bought us each a hacked-off coconut to drink from a cart rolling along the beach. A stop at a grocery store allowed me to pick up some wine, beer, oreo cookies, etc. for our Oscar watch this evening. So we're in for a relaxing evening.

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