Friday, February 3, 2017


This morning we walked a different direction, near the exercise track where ladies were doing Qi Gong and many outside exercise machines were being used by residents. We headed to a market where people were having breakfast. I opted for some toast and eggs. Raw eggs were thrown into a cup of HOT water and I headed to a table. I didn't know how long to wait until it was cooked. After 15 minutes, before Betty and Madame Neo were back at my table, I cracked one of the eggs. Still almost raw!!! Ate the toast and drank the diet Coke while I waited. By the time I cracked the other one, the yolk was semi=cooked so I ate that and left the rest!!

Betty and my lunch at IKEA. Delicious!

IKEA crowd!

Pedestrian bridge over Singapore River and walkway.

Merchants making a deal in old Singapore!

booth where I bought my eggs and toast!

Madame Neo and Betty at breakfast

Betty opted for a bowl of noodles and dark chicken wings!! and some soup and coffee. Madame had chicken feet!!! She is so worried I'm going to starve!! I had a protein bar when I got back to the room. I will be fine!!!!

We'll wait until it's a bit cooler to head downtown so we can see the light show at 8. Going to Chinatown to see the Buddha Tooth Temple and a 50 story building for the view, maybe! Then to the Garden at the waterfront. 

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